You can cancel before your order has been prepped and packed. To cancel, go to the "Orders" section of your “My Account” page and follow these 2 easy steps:
- Click the “Cancel Shipment” button next to the shipment you’d like to cancel. A preview of your cancelled items will appear before you confirm the cancellation.
- Confirm the change. After you cancel, you'll receive a refund or a credit to your Rent the Runway account (see below). Please allow 3-5 business days for the reimbursement to process.
One or more of the conditions below may apply:
- Any cancellations made over 30 days before your delivery date will result in a refund in the form of your original payment.
- Any cancellations made 30 days or fewer but more than 14 days before your delivery date will result in a credit to your account.
- Any cancellations made 14 or fewer days before your delivery date will result in a credit to your account. A $9.95 cancellation fee will be deducted from that credit, for keeping the item reserved and for limiting customers from renting it. The cancellation fee will be eligible for orders that are at least $15.
You can also manage your order on your iPhone.Download our app.
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